Energy is a major source of concern in Nigeria, and despite innovative efforts by many administrations, common Nigerians still live mostly in darkness. Our industries do not function at full capacity, and everything is much more expensive because of the high costs of energy.
I recognise that economic development in Nigeria hinges on the production of, and availability of electricity and therefore propose to review the agreements the Nigerian Government entered with private electricity production and distribution companies with a view to renegotiate conditions which have clearly stalled progress in the delivery of electricity to the masses.
Where necessary, concessions will be entered with affected companies to cushion the effects of any renegotiation which is deemed necessary.
Special attention will be paid to electricity production and distribution stations, plants and turbines across the country. CCTV cameras with round the clock vigilance will be installed at all such stations. Enactments will be passed to combat all acts of vandalism to these units. Such acts will call for immediate arrest and accelerated trials at relevant courts of competent jurisdictions. Stringent punishment will be meted to saboteurs and proper investigations carried out to discover the big shots behind such sabotage.
Solar Energy
My administration will develop schemes which encourage the use of solar energy in housing and for industrial purposes. We will promote the education of unemployed young men and women in this area so as to enable them acquire relevant expertise to join the solar power industry. This again is another way of creating good paying jobs for our people.
Water as a Source of Energy
Using water to operate machines is as old as modern mankind. Water as an energy source involves using waves, tides and hydro energy to produce hydroelectric power from lakes, rivers, and the ocean. We will investment in the field of hydro energy to increase electricity yield in Nigeria.
Wind Energy
We will also build wind farms across the country and encourage wind energy production on a massive scale – particularly in the more arid parts of the country. Private power generating companies will be encouraged to invest in the growth of small wind energy turbines across the country to help power traffic warning signs, street lights etc. Larger turbines will however contribute to the domestic power supply, producing electricity which can be exported to neighbouring countries after domestic needs are satisfied.